Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, also known for short as HBOT, is the combination of increased atmospheric pressure and increased inspired oxygen in a pressurized chamber.
Red blood cells are the cells in our bodies that move oxygen throughout the body. Oxygen-carrying capacity is the capability of your body to mobilize oxygen where needed. If the oxygen-carrying capacity has been diminished, a person cannot produce adequate energy, which can result in slower healing, chronic infections, brain fog, fatigue, and so much more. By augmenting more oxygen into the liquid of the blood (plasma) in our bodies through Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, we can help increase the blood’s oxygen-carrying capacity.
Naturally, there is 21% oxygen in the air at sea level, with the remainder of air consisting of mostly nitrogen. Unfortunately, living in urban areas can mean a greater concentration of air pollutants in our air supply, and oxygen is paramount for healthy living and thriving bodies. Without oxygen, our bodies are not able to make ATP and cellular energy. ATP reserves drop quickly without proper oxygen availability.
There are a variety of reasons and scenarios where supplementing with pressurized oxygen can be extremely beneficial for all ages. Check out the curated list of mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy studies in our HBOT Research & Studies section!