Therapeutic Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency, most commonly received through a PEMF Mat, uses the technology of electromagnetic pulses to help improve oxygen circulation, reduce stress on the body, support improved sleep and renew blocked ion fields to stimulate the body’s own individual regenerative capabilities.
As a revolutionary wellness modality, PEMF Therapy utilizes the soothing Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields to stimulate and exercise the body’s cells. Trusted around the world with over 2000 studies that evaluated the effects of PEMF on arthritis, cell regeneration, circulation, wound healing, pain, and more, PEMF Therapy can support the body’s own innate natural recovery capabilities.
Our earth naturally emits a pulsing electromagnetic field, measured at 7.8 hertz. This energy field allows the planet to sustain life. Our bodies, much like the earth, are electromagnetic! Did you know that our brains use electromagnetic signals to communicate with every bodily system? Science has shown that if cells in the body have sufficient electrical charge, the body can heal itself!
Viewed as a holistic supplement, PEMF infuses the body with natural energy at the cellular level.
Renewal operates an iMRS 2000 PEMF Mat, Cushion and Wand professional set for various usage possibilities to customize the most appropriate application.
Our cells communicate with, and need, electricity. Our cells break down over time, losing energy. Recharging our cells can offer great support!